
Who We Are

Tell people about what you, your expertise and experience.  Think about what you would want to see on this page if you were looking at an about page.  This is your chance to tell about how you are qualified to serve them.

Nulla hendrerit metus et tincidunt tristique. Fusce molestie commodo mauris, vitae vestibulum tortor venenatis non. Pellentesque quis urna a magna bibendum volutpat a at nisl. Suspendisse finibus, tortor id gravida feugiat, nulla leo venenatis nisi, et aliquam quam ligula eget dui. Suspendisse lectus lorem, varius vel dapibus a, vestibulum a eros. Sed sed magna in neque commodo pretium.

We look forward to your stay.

John & Steven

crosses, clouds, faith

What We Believe

crosses, clouds, faith

We believe where scripture speaks God speaks (1 Thess 2:13). 

We believe that all of scripture is God-breathed (2 Tim 3:16).

It is stated, “For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit (2 Pet 1:21).


Reach the lost with the Gospel, make disciples and equip the Saints.



  • Christ-Centered
  • A Servants Attitude (serving instead of sitting)
  • A Heart for Evangelism (outward instead of an inward focus)
  • Discipleship
  • Relationships

Our Leadership & Team

James MacLellan


Hello everyone, my name is James MacLellan. I am the Pastor at the Calvary Baptist Church in North Sydney. I received a Bachelor of Theology from Acadia University in 2021. I served in the Military for just under nine years where I was posted in NB. I remember attending Devon Park Baptist Church in Fredericton N.B on Oct 25, 2015. During the preaching of the Word I felt like God was speaking to me through the pastor. I came under deep conviction of my sin when a call went out at the end of the service for anyone feeling led to surrender their life to Jesus Christ. It was that day that I truly repented of my sins and trusted in Christ alone for my salvation. Christ has changed and transformed my life and has given me all new passions and desires. It is solely by the grace of God that I am able to serve as a full-time Pastor. I look forward to serving the Lord with my wife Savannah here in North Sydney N.S.

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Brian Nunn


Hello, my name is Brian Nunn and I have been involved in the ministry at Calvary Baptist Church for over 40 years.  

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